My Next Adventure

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Scale 2-26-11

THE NUMBER = 252.0 (+0.9 from last week)


I'm going for a ride to clear my head.


  1. You NEED to read the paleo diet for athletes if you have
    not read it! Take a look at getting a calorie counter app. on you phone. These things have helped me personally. What ever you do Tri not to let this eat at you. Today is a new day and move on.

  2. veggieheads UNITE. without cheese I think oyu will see a remarkable difference in the flow of your nutrients, and I would go so far as to suggest supplementing a yoga activity to help with circulation...although I would like the human translation of "!?%&@#"
    I feel as though I could have utilized that when giving mySelf a pep talk on Friday after the debauchery. You are doing so amazing & are inspiration to move past habits that hold one's Self fixated~
