My Next Adventure

Sunday, December 12, 2010


No offense to you pet lovers out there, but I have simply the greatest dog in the world. If I had his temperament, I would have beaten out Obama for the Noble Peace Prize last year. Anyone who has any doubt should watch Lulu abuse him as she plays with him. I kid you not.

So I was petting him the other day and found a lump on his left ribcage under the fur. Freaked me out completely. The next day we were in to the Vet and she told me that it was a fat deposit. No cancer - he was fine. Completely relieved, I was ready to pay and move on to something else when she spoke, "You know, he really could lose a little weight. It would help his joints and overall health."

I looked down at Rufus. His look seemed to say, "Really? How about you be a good owner and scratch my ears while I take a nap in your lap instead."

So we went home and I put on some running shorts and off we went to the park. There is a new trail that is about a mile and a half and is nearly flat. I figured 15 minutes would be a reasonable start. Nice and easy, let him build into it. 20 minutes later we finished up. He seemed to be alright, but was definitely not taking the lead. As soon as we got home, he got a drink of water and passed out.

Day 2 - The next morning I got up early and off we went to the park to do it again. Rufus was slower and seemed less enthusiastic about the idea of following my program. We saw a couple of rabbits along the way and I thought for sure that would spark some interest. Nothing. I was downbeat. Was I going to have to make the dog miserable everyday in the name of good health. Just because I like to run, doesn't mean he should be happy about it.

Day 3 - Off day for Rufus. I'll regroup and figure out an alternative plan. Something he will like better.

Day 4 - I got up this morning to meet a friend at the track and run some intervals. As I was loading up my gym bag (swimming later), there was Rufus with a keen look in his eye. The anticipation for the run perhaps after a day of rest? I'll have to get him out later today and see...

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